I looked further into the process and found that I actually needed to make a phone call.....

No you don't. You don't need to do anything other than stop paying for a licence. You will of course be inundated with threats and demands. Throw them in the bin. Any 'TV Enforcement' Officer' visits can be turned away with just a no thank you and close the door. They have no powers to enter of any sort as they are employees of Crapita and nothing more than sales people. They can only get a warrant (Nigh on impossible for them) to enter if you give them any evidence ... Don't engage with them.



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I cancelled years ago. I get emails/letters telling me I need to make a new statement that I don't need a licence. I ignore them.

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Thanks for your comments, Mick. I'm sure you're right about there being no need for a phone call. But I took a small amount of satisfaction from answering the call centre agent's question as to why I was cancelling. I'm sure nobody at the BBC is paying any attention to the growing number of people opting out but there you go...

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''Why are you cancelling?''

''Because I don't like paying a bought mouthpiece for government propaganda''

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I did this about 4 years ago. The BBC constantly send threatening letters and they even sent someone round to my house once. Then they stopped for a couple of years but now they have started sending the threatening letters again. It feels like extortion - and I detest the BBC so much that I would not even watch or listen to any of their shows even on someone else’s TV!

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

I done this about 6 years ago. The BBC are an extreme left wing, woke and biased organisation whom I refuse to fund. Their main purpose appears to be spouting propaganda regarding the climate scaremongering scam and other lefty and woke ideology. The sooner more people wake up to this the better. Starve them of the licence tax.

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Honestly, you will never regret it. You might think that life would will be empty without football highlights and scandi-noir cop dramas, but after a while you look back and regret you ever wasted your time with it.

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I cancelled my TV Licence over four years ago. It was similarly the news coverage of the Middle East that pushed me to do so, though I also enjoy the Proms and classical music, coverage of which has been steadily dumbed down for years and years. It reached the point where I was no longer enjoying the output and found virtually all programming to be infected by woke propaganda. The news is nothing but propaganda, parroting Hamas talking points and statistics. I was glad to ditch the BBC and do not use any of its services any longer. The BBC has fallen so far from its original mandate to inform and educate to become an institution of indoctrination and propaganda. Not only should it be defunded, it should be dismantled and those who have actively pushed antisemitic propaganda put on trial. There are so many egregious examples of this that have been documented. David Collier has done stirling work in recording these for posterity for the past decade. There needs to be a reckoning for the BBC, in which those responsible are held fully accountable. I am glad to have ditched the BBC and will never return in its current guise.

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What took you so long? I stopped contributing to Lineker's obscene salary years ago.

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A confession.... I still watch so-called 'Freeview' television; I only watch drama serials though. Politicos giving their version of ‘The News’ and ‘celebrity’ presenters keeping us up-to-date on ‘Reality’ only get as far as it takes to switch channels! When the ads come on, I hit the mute button. But I can’t entirely escape the mental universe of those young advertising ‘creatives’ who currently seem to occupy some kind of fantasy British Isles - one where 50% of the population is black and everyone (both black and white) spends their time cavorting in some or other kind of manic dance with a gormless expression on their face. Having watched so much of this tv drama, I am often struck with how little attention it gets in journalistic commentary on media bias. Yes ‘The News’ and ‘Current Affairs’ is biased; how could it not be, given its inevitable editorial selectivity. (Some murders warrant weeks of agonising and outrage while others never get a mention – some stories ‘trend’ and others fail to ‘capture the public imagination’ etc etc.) But political bias in tv drama (precisely because it is ostensibly apolitical) is actually more insidious – and its subliminal messaging all the more powerful.


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