For the COVID shambles alone the Tories deserve never to be in power again. In fact, I’d argue they should, together with opposition politicians who pressed for even more draconian measures, be locked behind bars. We will never truly know how many lives they destroyed. Think how many were denied a final farewell in person or at a funeral, hospital treatment they’d already waited for, or who died because the National Health Service was turned into the National COVID Service.

There was no parliamentary debate or scrutiny applied to any of this. PPE contracts were handed out to cronies and tonnes of products are being destroyed in a colossal waste of public funds. They are severally and individually culpable for damaging the lives of millions both directly and indirectly through their authoritarian policies.

I am sure there are many millions like me who feel the same and are not convinced that another government wouldn’t do exactly the same again.

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Agree. But the election results of David Kurten, Andrew Bridgen, Steve Baker&co strongly suggest that the Great Brainwashed and Financially Dependent upon the State British Public just loved and continue to love having it that way.

As such, it fully deserves what's coming.

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The waters have closed over him, and he left no footprints in the sand. He's forgotten already.

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