Some useful insights here. Thank you. The reality, of course, is not that Starmer and his waspish Home Secretary are acting spontaneously in their response to the "riots". The erosion of our hard won rights and freedoms is part of a much larger, systematic, orchestrated global onslaught which has been going on for many years. It reached scary new levels during the Covid psyop and the ludicrously harsh sentences handed out in the riot show trials were clearly designed to throw a chill over challenges to the official narrative on any issue of imortance - not least the crucial need to retain our right to speak out and protest against the oppression of those elected to serve the wishes of the electorate. Dark days ahead unless people stop "going along to get alone" and start pushing back with peaceful but determined mass demonstratons of the kind that brought 100,000 disgruntled and disillusioned Brits flocking to Trafalgar Square last month. The Establishment is well aware of the danger of this brand of people power - which is why they are planning to lock up Tommy Robinson and throw away the key the moment he sets foot again on British soil.

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This message turned out to be hoax, most likely from far left groups looking for an excuse to stage country-wide protests. I became aware of the message via a post on X from Harrow Labour.....

Probably Hate Not Hope muddying the waters as usual. 'Sick Lowleslife' style. Why isn't he under arrest for spreading hate and dis/mis/mal info?

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Authoritarianism lite.

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